You know your parents are desi when.......
- When your mom makes a Mexican meal and tells you to count the number of Taco Bell sauce packets in her purse.
- They peel the stamps off letters that the postal service missed to mark up.
- They buy 2-ply toilet paper and they tell you to use only 1 ply at a time to make it last.
- When your mom comes home with napkins stuffed in her purse of the restaraunt she last ate at.
- When you become part of that viscious clan who recycles wedding gifts-
- Take Indian snacks anywhere it says "No food allowed"
- Make kichdi on the beach wearing saris
- Wear shorts with dress socks and tennis shoes
- Try to use coupons that expired 5 months ago and argue when the store doesn't accept them, or simply tear off the expiration date
- Eat half of a pizza at a restaurant and then complaining that it wasn't made right (I want refund!)