You know your parents are desi when.......
- They have one of these three cars, an Olds Cutlass Ciera, a Honda Accord or a Toyota Camry. (Sindhi's drive a Lexus or a Mercedes.)
- When family friends come over, you have ten conversations going on in the same room at the same time very loudly.
- You eat dinner on the floor covered with newspapers when company comes over.
- Your parents tell you to not care what your friends think but they won't let you do certain things because of what the other "Uncles and Aunties" will think.
- You've never owned white clothing because it will be hard to take stains out of it. (That's what mom says.)
- You have a collection of used wrapping paper and bows that have been saved for re-use.
- Your bio-data and picture have been circulated more than your resume.
- Your parents won't let you attend college outside of your hometown because you might actually date members of the opposite sex!